Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The District 12 Love Triangle

As you all know, I'm not one to stick her pert nose in others' affairs [horridly rude], but when I found out that Katniss had two lovers, I couldn't resist offering my input on the scandal! The problem was though, I just didn't know who to choose! Peeta: rugged on the exterior, yet kind hearted on the inside. Or Gale: forceful, manly, and passionate.

Both are excellent candidates for Katniss' love, not one any more than the other! So, in order to resolve this dilemma, I decided to utilize three Capitol-approved love calculators. The outcomes are as follows:

1: Gale and Katniss: 84% chance
Peeta and Katniss: 98%

2: Gale and Katniss: 78 % chance
Peeta and Katniss: %60 chance

3: Gale and Katniss: 92% chance
Peeta and Katniss: 92%

Well, it appears that Capitol-issued love calculators do not solve every problem! So, I will do I what I do best: make a list!


Rugged, handsome, passionate, bonds well with Katniss, understands her, loves her, and connects with her, best friends.

Cons: Jealousy of Peeta, doesn't comprehend her relationship with him, HORRID ETIQUETTE.


Handsome, skilled, kind-hearted, supportive, understanding, loves Katniss, and shared a life-changing, traumatic experience with her.

Cons: Occasionally soft, it is unknown as to whether Katniss truly loves him.

Bottom Line: Katniss is torn between the two for obvious reasons, and only time will reveal who her soul mate is.

While that was a fun little romp into the workings of the District 12 love triangle, I remind you, that this study was purely for informational purposes, and that I am not bothering about Katniss' private affairs again, and no, this public intrusion of your privacy is not my way of getting revenge on you, after you licked your plate at dinner! Hmmph! *folds hands primly on lap*

Sunday, April 25, 2010

HG Games

Scholastic has developed two text-based HG games, Trial By Fire, and Tribute Trials, which you can access from this link:
They're highly entertaining, though I keep dying. Thank goodness my name will never be in the reaping ball; I would be dead before the gong rings! *adjusts lime wig with air of superiority*

HG Film Cast

Remember, this is who I think is best suited to a certain role, not necessarily the views of others. If you are strongly opposed to an actor/ess who I have selected, please refrain from bombarding the comments section with filth, because if you do, someone just might slip a tracker jacker nest into your bed!

Without further ado [please excuse the italics, my non-Capitol computer is malfunctioning], The HG cast!

Michelle Pfeiffer/ Reese Witherspoon as Mrs. Everdeen
Abigail Breslin/Elle Fanning as Primrose Everdeen
Hugh Dancy as Cinna
Laura Prepon as the Avox Girl
Amy Poehler as Effie Trinket
Justin Kirk/ Robert Downey Jr. as Haymitch
Agnes Bruckner/Megan Fox/Sophia Bush as Clove
Sebastian Stan as Cato
Emma Stones as Foxface
Alex Pettyfer as Peeta
Kevin Zegers as Gale
Ariel Winter as Rue
Hayden Panettiere/ Brittany Snow as Glimmer
And an unknown talent to play Katniss....

Map of Panem

I was sifting through some old Capitol records, and I stumbled upon this neat map of Panem. I'm not sure how accurate it is, but it's quite interesting. If the image is too small for your non-surgically enhanced eyes, please visit the link

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Capitol

Welcome tributes, to the Capitol, ruling city of Panem. Please, follow me, I will escort you to the Training Center! Right this way!

AAAAck! Mind that hover-car! It wouldn't bode well with the gamemakers to have you decapitated before the games, would it? Save it for the arena!

Oh, do stop gawking at that poor soul, and move along! She must have met the wrong end of a bodyspray tube! What a dreadful color! She's tainting the pristine hues of the Capitol!

The Capitol is an amazing place of grandeur. There is much to see and explore! Maps of Panem, Mockingjay tidbits and theories, character studies, games, polls, book discussions, movie updates and so much more! I hope you enjoy your stay here, and remember, when utilizing one of the Training Center's showers, don't use the coconut scrub. It gives me the sniffles.

Oh, and have a Happy Happy Hunger Games!