Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Capitol

Welcome tributes, to the Capitol, ruling city of Panem. Please, follow me, I will escort you to the Training Center! Right this way!

AAAAck! Mind that hover-car! It wouldn't bode well with the gamemakers to have you decapitated before the games, would it? Save it for the arena!

Oh, do stop gawking at that poor soul, and move along! She must have met the wrong end of a bodyspray tube! What a dreadful color! She's tainting the pristine hues of the Capitol!

The Capitol is an amazing place of grandeur. There is much to see and explore! Maps of Panem, Mockingjay tidbits and theories, character studies, games, polls, book discussions, movie updates and so much more! I hope you enjoy your stay here, and remember, when utilizing one of the Training Center's showers, don't use the coconut scrub. It gives me the sniffles.

Oh, and have a Happy Happy Hunger Games!

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